Magic happens when you listen

Previously, I have written about the ways to access the Heart’s wisdom. This time, I would like to give examples from my life, to illustrate the magic that can happen when you do listen.

This “magic” is available to anyone who will listen, then act on what is heard. It is not restricted to a few special people, but to anyone brave enough to act. It takes an element of faith to make the first step. It definitely requires trust, which is strengthened with each small step taken.

These examples I will give, show that trusting what the heart tells you can be used in very practical matters, or deeper spiritual matters. Nothing is irrevelant.

Seven years ago, I attended a weekend retreat with the American Holistic Nurses Association, over on the peninsula. Wonderful women attended, and one was a newly retired Hospice nurse. I had been looking to switch nursing careers, not knowing which direction to go. I had been a cardio-thoracic nurse for 8 years and needed a change, but was too fearful to do so. I had talked to this nurse a little about her work, and she spoke with such passion. It sparked an interest in me. Part of our weekend included doing a medicine walk. In which we went out into nature, by ourselves, seeking answers to a question, by paying attention to what came into our path. We were told to have a conversation with anything that appeared. Well, I had a grasshopper jump in front of me. So I stopped. We were to listen, from our hearts, what messages we were given. The main message I received from this grasshopper, was that I have the strength to leap forward, and be successful.

I know, sounds pretty corny, but when I got back home, I started looking for a job in hospice, and 3 weeks later was offered a job. It was a life-changing move. One that satisfied my quest for a soulful job, and I never regret making the leap.

My coworker/friend and I put our names on a list with a downpayment to buy a new hybrid car back in May. We were hoping to have a new car by the end of last year. It was the end of November, and still no hope for a car soon. I had just given notice at my job, and I realized, if a car came in, I wouldn’t qualify for a loan with no source of income. So on a whim, as I was driving home, I decided to stop by the Toyota dealership near my house to see if they had a car. On my way there, I was trying to get an answer from my “heart”, as to whether I really should stop by. I felt a nudge to do so.

They didn’t have the RAV 4 Hybrid I was really hoping for. And no plans to get any for months. BUT, the salesman told me financing didn’t go through for someone, so a different hybrid was available. I thought, yea, right, realizing I was pretty much viewed as a sucker walking in there. I don’t have a lot of trust with salesman. He showed me the car, I took it for a drive, and really liked it. And realized, if I qualify, I better get this car, as I wouldn’t have a job soon. So, I went ahead and bought it. I didn’t drive it for a month. I really loved my old car, and felt a new car was just too fancy. I am not one impressed by cars, I just want reliability, and now, better gas mileage. My first new car ever. I took my old car in for a buyer’s check, only to find out that I would probably need to put $7000 into it soon, to keep it running. I didn’t have buyer’s remorse any longer. I realized I was guided to get this car. I had to go into the bathroom at the dealership to confirm I was making the right choice. It was quiet, and I could listen. Each time I asked, the answer was yes, buy the car.

Those are practical examples. But one of my most impactful times was listening to my heart to go to Standing Rock. To help at the protest. I kept having signs appear that seem to confirm I needed to go. Like what? Well, there were so many. But one time I was cleaning out my car, and I found two quarters. They were those state quarters, one North Dakota, the other South Dakota. Once I got lost in Everett and ended up on Dakota street. I could go on, but ultimately I committed to going to Standing Rock. All within about a month. I won’t write about it all, but the most impactful event that happened on the trip, was being directed by a Sioux man to go pray with his uncle on one day. Long story short, I ended up climbing into a van with 12 strangers, leaving Anna and my friend at camp, and traveling to pray with Severt’s uncle, who ended up being Chief Arvol Lookinghorse. Chief of the Sioux Nation. I did sweat lodge ceremony, pipe lodge ceremony, then smoked from the pipe. That was probably the deepest Spiritual experience in my life. And I still don’t understand how I received that opportunity, but I never would have, had I not followed my heart.

The heart is the seat of deep wisdom. Leading us to live the life we are meant to live. To experience, feel, enjoy, and express ourselves in alignment with our souls.

So, the moral of the stories are, listen. Listen often, and listen deeply. Let the magic begin.


Reflections on a year past


The wisdom of the heart and how to access it