Reiki Services

  • What is Reiki?

    Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing that replenishes and utilizes Life Force Energy for healing.

    The word Reiki is a compound of the Japanese words “Rei” (God's Wisdom or the Higher Power) and “Ki” (life force energy).

    Reiki is a safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement for everyone.

    Reiki is used in many settings including hospitals, hospice, as well as in private practice and in self-care. It is practiced all over the world.

  • For People

    Anyone and everyone can benefit from Reiki.

    Whether it is a physical, mental, or emotional issue, Reiki channels life force energy to resolve it.

    It is helpful for all regardless of age or condition.

  • For Animals

    Life Force Energy is within all life forms, and so Reiki can be an effective treatment for animals, too!


I prefer to do a session when you can relax and soak in the energy. I am not the one who heals. Reiki is not what heals. It is your body that does the healing. I am simply a conduit of this energy to pass to you. You have to give permission for the healing to occur. Reiki just facilitates the body to tap into its own innate healing abilities. I cannot say that a session will stop your pain, or allow you to sleep, or cure anxiety, or anything for that matter. The body’s wisdom takes in this energy and uses it where it feels it is needed most. Whether that is physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. I set the intention for it to work for your highest good. I can often feel areas in the body that need extra attention, so I do focus on those areas.

The energy can often make you sleepy, or it can have the opposite effect and give a burst of energy. I can’t say which is going to happen. But I would say 8 times out of 10, people fall asleep during a session. In some instances, as the energy works, it can release emotional holding patterns in the body. This can cause people to cry and become emotional, but that is okay. It is releasing this. Some people feel the energy running, others don’t. Regardless, it is working where it is needed most. My hands get very warm when I do this, and often people feel the heat. Yes, even remotely.

I will run the energy for about 45 minutes. Starting at about 5 minutes after the appointment is to start. This 5 minutes allows me to prepare and set my intentions. Then I start the clock on the 45 minutes.