The Whispers Within the Heart

Welcome to my Blog.

First, I would like to thank my son, Adam, who designed and put my webpage together and nudged me when I was dragging my feet. His talents and knowledge always amaze me. And I am so grateful for him. And also acknowledge my daughter, Anna, who also has encouraged me, helped me with editing, and other complicated (well, for this old lady), technological issues. I couldn’t have put this together without them, and I love them dearly.

It is in this space that I would like to share stories, insights, engage in dialogue about the essence of what is truly important in our journeys as human beings here on this Earth. To illustrate how listening to the whispers in our hearts, can lead us to a life that is in alignment with our soul’s purpose. And live a more fulfilled life.

Not a life full of expensive things, or fancy vacations, or any other external material matters. But the journey into ourselves, and our relationship with the Natural world around us. And how being still and listening to our hearts, we can find peace and fulfillment. And to do this with fun and humor.

I know that life isn’t easy now. I am not talking about always being in a state of Zen. But trying to find that balance to remember who we are and why we are here.

So, I would like to start with how I chose the name for my business: Heart’s Wisdom Healing. Back in 1997, I attended a weekend retreat at a little known place in the Santa Cruz mountains called The Institute of Heartmath. If you have not heard of it, it is now a world-renowned Institute that has been on the forefront of research on the intelligence of the heart. They have tons of research that shows it is actually the heart that controls so much in the body, not the brain. I like to think of it as the heart being the driver of our vehicles, and the brain is the sidecar. I won’t get into it all now, but you can look them up, and read all about what they have discovered. Their techniques to lower stress and bring our bodies back into “entrainment” have been used by schools, the military, working with PTSD, in top 500 Fortune companies, the U.S. Government, and all around the world.

It is the Heart that holds the wisdom, the Truth. And we can access this simply. But we have to be willing, and open, and listen.

I am no self-proclaimed expert in anything, but what I will share is what has allowed me to have very soulful experiences, because I listened to my heart. And, I have to warn you that I am not perfect. Not even remotely close. And I don’t want you to think, that I think, I am better or special because of my experiences. My stories are to illustrate the results of listening to those whispers and going with them. And this is available to anyone and everyone who wants to listen.

I would love to hear feedback, and engage in dialogue and share stories. This is how we learn that there is this connectedness with each other. Not just with other people, but with the whole Natural world.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you all. And I wish everyone the best New Year yet.

I realized there is no way for people to respond. I will get this fixed as soon as my tech dept is available.


You should sit in nature for 20 minutes a day….unless you’re busy, then you should sit for an hour